Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, commonly known as “Standing Split” offers up many challenge variations within the posture. At Destin Hot Yoga we believe in allowing you to be exactly where you are and where you want to be. Finding the right version for you is often encouraged.
Standing Split strengthens the thigh, knee, and ankle. It stretches the inguinal region, thigh, hamstring, calf, and back of the leg. It is a form of a forward fold. A slight bend in the knee is recommended during this posture for super tight hamstrings. It is important to keep the spine lengthened to achieve maximum benefits of the process of opening up the hammy.
In this posture it is also important to remember that the proper balance of external and internal rotation in each leg is important, especially for the standing leg. Your left leg and hip will tend to externally rotate slightly, lifting the hip away from the floor and angling the pelvis to the right. While in standing split, try to keep the front pelvis parallel to the floor by internally rotating the left thigh. (Thank you for these specific words, yoga journal)
As you inhale to create more length through your spine, on the exhale grounding down into the standing leg and actively lifting a little higher in the lifted leg focusing on equal amount of energy in both legs. Once you feel balance is achieved, you may want to explore a little, either by staying here and focusing your energy on both legs, wrapping your forearms around your calf, lifting your hands off the ground while continuing to place equal amounts of energy in both legs, or simply learning to breath deeper into it for yourself keeping your fingertips on the ground. All variations are simply beautiful as you create them uniquely yours.
Just like in any posture, remember to be where you are and to only explore when you feel ready. Enjoy playing with standing split!
DHY team
For step by step instructions… come to class or visit Yoga Journal.